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Monday, October 22, 2007

Update from

You can use the Update from statement to update tables of one table from another

for example you have a table Employee_old_table (employee_id,employee_name,employee_lname)
and e table employee_new_table (employee_id,employee_full_name,employee_first_name,employee_last_name)

to set the employee order.employee_full_name = employee.employee_name + ' ' + employee_lname

you can do this

update employee_full_name
employee_full_name = e.employee_name + ' ' + e.empoyee_lname,
employee_first_name = e.employee_name,
employee_last_name = e.employee_lname
from employee e
where e.employee_id = employee_id

instead of

update employee_full_name
employee_full_name = (select e.employee_name + ' ' + e.empoyee_lname from employee e where e.employee_id = employee_id),
employee_first_name = (select e.employee_name from employee e where e.employee_id = employee_id),
employee_last_name = (select e.employee_lname from employee e where e.employee_id = employee_id)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Return a value from a strore procedure value

Store procedures can return value using a return statement in the store procedure

you can do something like this

create PROCEDURE dbo.test1
@iID int

Declare @iNewId int

set @iNewId = @iID + 1
return @iNewId

declare @iT int
exec @iT = dbo.test1 6

print @iT

Adding elements to a structure

While I was playing with a request structure in coldfusion I come across a strange scenario with adding elements in the structure
There are 3 ways to add an element in the structure

<cfset request.sMyStructre[elementid] = value />

<cfset structInsert(request.sMyStructre,elementid,value) />

<cfset request.sMyStructre.elementid = value />

Even though the result of those 3 commant 99% of the times is the same I found a case where they produce a different output

I create an object test.cfc

<cfcomponent output="true">

request.sReqObjects1 = structNew() />


and a test cfm page
<cfset request.sReqObjects1 = structNew() /> <Cfset request.sReqObjects1['t2'] = createObject("component","Test") /> using the request.sReqObjects1['t2']<br />
<cfdump var="#request.sReqObjects1#">
<cfset structInsert(request.sReqObjects1,'t3',createObject("component","Test")) /> using the structInsert(request.sReqObjects1,'t3',createObject("component","Test")) <br /> <cfdump var="#request.sReqObjects1#"> <Cfset request.sReqObjects1.t1 = createObject("component","Test") />
using the request.sReqObjects1.t1
<cfdump var="#request.sReqObjects1#">

And the output was
using the request.sReqObjects1['t2']
struct [empty]
using the structInsert(request.sReqObjects1,'t3',createObject("component","Test"))
struct [empty]
using the request.sReqObjects1.t1
component Test

The only reason I can thing for this is that
using [request.sReqObjects1['t2'] =] or [structInsert ] creates the element on a different memory location and just adds a reference to that location in the structure, which then is cleared by the <cfset request.sReqObjects1 = structNew() /> in the cfc constructor. But when using the <Cfset request.sReqObjects1.t1 = the new element is actually created in the memory space of the structure.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

ColdFusion 8 and MSSQL triggers

Coldfusion 8 handles MSSQL triggers different that older versions of Coldfusion.

IN older CFMX

We had some For insert triggers on tables for updating related tables etc.. The last trigger used to return the new identity using select SCOPE_IDENTITY() as @iNewRec

the cfquery was

<cfquery name="qInsert" datasource="#myDSN#">
insert into tbl1 (name,fname)

Then you could do the

<cfset variables.iNewId = qInsert.iNewRec />

In CFML 8 this will not work. You will get the error that qInsert is Undefined.

The solution is
a) make sure that the select SCOPE_IDENTITY() as @iNewRec is executed before any update/insert delete statement in any trigger in the sequence...


b) In the cfquery tag after the insert add a dummy select

<cfquery name="qInsert" datasource="#myDSN#"> insert into tbl1 (name,fname) values ('test1','test2') select 'ttt' as t </cfquery>

Monday, October 8, 2007

DateDiff in coldfusion does not work the same way as dateDiff in sql

DateDiff in coldfusion does not work the same way as dateDiff in sql

I believe Coldfusion gets the different between date1 and date2 in ms and then converts this value to the date part that you specify on the dateDiff function. Sql subtracts the datepart value of date 1 from the date part value of date2.

What does that mean

DateDiff('d','2007/10/02','2007/12/01') in coldfusion is : 1 dateDiff(month,'2007/10/02','2007/12/01') in SQL is : 2 DateDiff('d','2007/10/02','2007/12/04') in coldfusion is : 2 dateDiff(month,'2007/10/02','2007/12/04') in SQL is : 2

To make coldfusion return the same value as SQL use this code

datePart('m',createDate(2007,12,1)) - datePart('m',createDate(2007,10,1))

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Calling public methods with in the component without 'this' is faster

I did some testing whether i should use this to call public methods with in the component and it seams that calling a public method with in the component is faster if you do not use the 'this' .

I created 2 simple cfc that were calling internally a public function the one with this.function name and the other one the function name directly not using the this was faster for 15-20 %